Our latest Covid protocols. Week 1) Star-Wars day and Assembly, Week 3) Book Week. Welcome back Mrs Jae Lee.
May the Fourth – Star Wars Dre
ss-Up day
On Wednesday ‘May the Fourth’ we have a Star Wars themed dress-up (mufti) day. Please do NOT go out and buy a Star Wars costume for your child(ren) but rather think creatively as to how you can use home items to re-create one of the Star Wars characters. There will be Star Wars themed activities in the afternoon. Light-sabers may be brought to school but must be left in the classroom during breaktimes.
Whole School Assembly – Friday 6th

Our first whole school assembly for 2022 will be on Friday 6th May at 10:20am in the newly refurbished gymnasium. Parents are welcome to attend this event, however please wear a mask indoors (as per our COVID protocols below). The floor in the gymnasium has been re-surfaced over the holidays, so attendees must remove their shoes. All teachers, students and parents must by seated 1m apart, however we will be singing together for the first time in a long time!
Book-Week – 16th to 20th May
In week 3 of term 2 we are holding our biennial book week. We hope to highlight the importance of reading and books in school and at home. A range of excellent books will be available for sale in room C1 throughout the week. There will be a range of book-related fun events. We are also be looking for teachers, parents, grandparents, big-siblings, celebrities, and past students to come in and read their favourite books to our students. If you can spare an hour to do this, please email raeleen@cornerstone.ac.nz. We will also be holding a book character day on Friday 20th with awards for the most creative costume character!
Covid Protocols
Cornerstone Christian School’s COVID Protocols for the Orange Light setting:
- Basic Hygiene measures will be reinforced at school including good hand hygiene, cough, and sneeze etiquette and avoiding touching your face. Surfaces will be cleaned daily and disinfected where appropriate. Hand sanitiser at entrances to indoor spaces.
If you are sick, stay home and get tested. If you have cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms, stay home. Call your doctor or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice about getting tested.
- Staff will observe children on arrival to school, checking for symptoms. Those unwell will be asked to go home or arrange for parents or caregivers to come and pick up.
- If you test positive for COVID-19, you and your household must self-isolate for 7 days and also fill in our Have Covid form.
- Indoor spaces at school will be well ventilated, by opening windows/doors/vents.
- Masks are strongly encouraged to be worn when indoors but are not compulsory. Masks are strongly recommended to be worn by all attendees at indoor gatherings with large numbers of students (e.g. assemblies).
- For all students aged 12 years and above, masks remain mandatory on school transport.
- Parents may come onsite to drop off and pick up children (including coming into classrooms) however all visitors, including parents and caregivers are strongly encouraged to wear a mask when indoors.
- Students, Parents and Whānau are encouraged to be up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots.
- There is no longer any requirement for teachers or support staff to be fully vaccinated to work at school.
From the Board of Trustees:
- The Board encourages all staff, students, parents not to be complacent and to continue to maintain good hygiene practices in their day-to-day interactions.
- The Board also endorses the Ministry of Educations position for all staff and students to wear a face covering under the orange traffic light setting be encouraged but not required, except on public transport for age 12 years and above.
Welcome Back Mrs Jae Lee
Welcome back to our Room C2, year 5 teacher, Mrs Jae Lee from a time of maternity leave. It will be great to have Jae back with us on staff.