Marvel heroes, a nativity scene, anime characters, and a number of Where’s Wallies all made an appearance at Cornerstone’s 2022 Book Week parade. Students and staff dressed as one of their favourite book characters to celebrate the end of week.

Room C1 was fully decorated in the under the sea theme. The underwater art competition, saw a large number of entries. Klarabelle from C6 spent hours creating her full sized turtle to win the Tumanako prize. Congratulations also to Charli from Middle-School, Gabriel from Manahau, and Keziah from Aroha team for winning their sections.
Manna Bookshop and Scholastic. sold hundreds of books with help from Year 12, and parent volunteers over the week – a true celebration of books and reading.
Primary School Photos
Scroll down for middle and secondary school photos. Photos by Jacob Dodunski and Gareth Bell.
Middle and Secondary School Photos
Photos by Jacob Dodunski and Gareth Bell.